- Please specify which Camera, Mount Type (EQ or Alt/Az), and if it needs a Filter Slider or not.
- HyperStar is based on Celestron's innovative Fastar feature. This feature allows the secondary mirror to be removed from Celestron's Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes. By mounting the HyperStar lens assembly in place of the secondary mirror, a CCD camera can be mounted at the front of the telescope allowing for a wider field of view and much faster imaging.
- The HyperStar lens assembly works with a variety of cameras. Different cameras require different adapters, however.
- A holder is included for safe storage of the secondary mirror while imaging.
- The HyperStar systems allows the telescope to operate at a focal ratio of f/2, an incredible 25 times faster than the standard f/10 focal ratio! Images can be obtained in just seconds!